Honestly, in most cases at this point when you see female protagonist tag game being out for a longer time, you can easily predict that "no sex" is part of the package.So... based on the tags there's no sex after more than a year and a half of development?
and the updates are slow too. dev sends the message don't care. should send a message too. stop supporting them. subscribers have to learn to be more discerning of the projects they support. do they give periodic updates? do the updates have impact? are the updates long enough you can play them for maybe 1 or 2 hours? updates always late?
really people. if you're gonna pay for something, make sure it's worth it.
really? you don't mind wasting $$$? lucky rich sob.Feel free to ride into the sunset, cowboy, if this is not your town.
No corruption? Even though two of those potential love interests are her daughters and another is her sister?Damn, why most of the female protag games eventually turn into almost mostly lesbian centric stuff when it comes to most explicit content territory.
I play both sides to see all, but lesbian stuff in current times is the most basic and normal sex stuff that doesn't represent any corruption for character, but some devs just make it pretty much almost the focal point of female protag genre, but weirdly enough not from the beginning, but later in the development.
Usually these games start very 50/50.
Correct.So... based on the tags there's no sex after more than a year and a half of development?
I don't play with wincest patch, so she is just a mother figure in that case but i see what you're saying, but no i don't feel like even the lesbian scenes are "meaty" enough corruption wise as of latest update.No corruption? Even though two of those potential love interests are her daughters and another is her sister?
Next update is prt 2 Gene/Wanda.Is this an lesbian update? And I believe next one will also be an lesbian update. See you after 6 months bye.
I personally don't see the problem as the wait time between part 1 and part 2 is a couple of weeks so its no big deal.new trend is part 1 part 2 part 3 etc.. just new excuses for delaying full update..
i dont like cutting the scenes middle of the action.. just like the last one.. if you wanna make updates only one char then name it gene update terrance update or lesbian update..I personally don't see the problem as the wait time between part 1 and part 2 is a couple of weeks so no big deal.
I guess you are being cynical.
I want more like a whole playable day in a single update doesn't matter if it consist of lesbian straight or incest theme...Like no matter which fantasy one will show in the end...i want main story to progress with all characters lil bit..but it becomes an issue when a developer introduce like million characters...I feel short that way...like if there are 6-7 characters, i feel like story should move forward a lil bit with all characters interaction with MC. If the update shows only one character storyline, it feels short.The Dev needs to focus on something. Lesbian lis, hetero lis, incest lis, it's too much. Now everyone wants content for their thing in every update so shit happens.
Are you only interested in non-family male love interests? Though luck, you have to wait two development cicles to get it![]()